Wednesday, February 22, 2012

missionary letter.

zachary gardanier. i love you dearly and i miss you so much.

last night i recieved a letter from zach! he's still in the MTC until april 1, so i don't necessarily feel like he's "gone" yet. but anyways, missionary letters are nice. as soon as i ripped open the envelope, tears flooded down my face. i hadn't even read the dang letter yet! through watery eyes, i read his scratchy boy handwriting.

only zach would know the right words to say to me in such a brief letter. you must understand, this boy has so many family and friends writing him that he can't possibly say all the things he wants to. but nonetheless, he has said everything right. for example:

"when i saw that i had a letter from you it made me have the best day ever!"

and my favorite line.

"i just want you to know that i love you and can't wait to hear back from you!"

my missionary cousin is better than yours.

 i love you too, zach.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

miracle worker.

my photo teacher found all my pictures. my life is complete. best day of my life. i have many mini-sentences that i could use right now. i've never loved those pictures so much.

thanks, mckinnon. you're a genious.

Monday, February 6, 2012

depressing. so, so depressing.

in school, i'm taking photography. for the past couple of weeks, my school computer has been shutting down without warning and deletes whatever i had been editing on photoshop. i lost so many picture collages that i lost count. that frustrated me. and i thought it couldn't get any worse.

as my luck would have it, it does get worse. much, much worse actually. i walked into class to see my semi-new school mac replaced with a mac from like the 1990's. in technology terms, it might as well be a piece of decoration. thats not even the worst part. (not that using an old mac is a bad thing. i just prefer my old one. we bonded.)

my photo teacher walked up to me and told me he had bad news. apparently, my hard drive was shot. like, the worst he's ever seen shot. as in, no more hard drive. as in, EVERY SINGLE PICTURE i had on that computer was GONE FOREVER. because i'm not the smartest and placed all my trust in my precious mac, i didn't save my pictures anywhere else. bad decision on my behalf. i, jordan michelle gardanier, have absolutely no project to turn in next week and all the pictures i've taken since july are in heaven. after he walked away, i cried. i kid you not. only for like 10 seconds though. but nonetheless, real tears came out of my eyes and down my face.

but my photo teacher is better than yours. he has tried to fix the hard drive, along with a few other knowledgeable computer teachers. but still with no luck. he's taking it to the apple store in hopes they can recover some stuff on the hard drive. cross your fingers. i'll be crossing mine.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


as of last night, i have a boyfriend. his name is travis and he's great. we were friends when i lived in gilbert with him, but after i moved we didn't talk for like 6 years. through mutual friends we began to hang out and become really close. i can't wait to see where this relationship takes us. i mean, i get butterflies everytime he holds my hand or kisses me. that's got to be a good sign. :)

februrary 4, 2010

we went go kart racing for a big date night. that explains the blue jumpsuits. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

type a four page essay? sure thing.

i didn't type my essay for english. and i didn't want to. so i stayed home yesterday. because i decided to stay home, i figured i would just type my essay during  the day while i was supposed to be at school. it went well, until my cousin easton called and wanted to help me write it.

we were working hard.

we kept straight faces. or at least i tried to.

and we entertained his little brother, bo. cutest child on this planet.

as you can see, lots of essay-writing went on. i started my essay at 2:15 and finished it at 10:20. ridiculous. i only had to write four pages. double spaced. at least i finished it, right?

and to top it off, i didn't go to school because i didn't write it and it was due that day. apparently half our class was missing and she didn't even collect the essay. i should have ditched today instead when we actually had to turn it in.

advice from a senior: write your essays asap.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

that boy.

this boy is one that i will never ever take for granted. meet zach.

this lovely boy is my cousin. remember when i told you he was one of my role models? well, today his parents drove him the long distance of 10 minutes to the provo mtc. my favorite person in the world is officially an elder.

this boy is one of the smartest kids you will ever meet. he was accepted into a few ivy league schools, and offered many football scholarships. he didn't take any of them. instead, he decided to go to byu and prepare for his mission.

my best friend has been called to serve in the uruguay montevideo mission for the
church of jesus christ of latter-day saints.

zach, you're going to be the best missionary out there. your strong testimony and desire to do the right thing all the time will rub off on everyone you meet. they're going to love you. uruguay is so lucky to have you. good luck.

the last words he said to me. i'll never forget them.

"i just want you to know i love you. i'll see you in two years. i'll e-mail you and stuff all the time. i love you so much. bye."

i love you too. these two years better fly by. i'll miss you so much.