Monday, February 6, 2012

depressing. so, so depressing.

in school, i'm taking photography. for the past couple of weeks, my school computer has been shutting down without warning and deletes whatever i had been editing on photoshop. i lost so many picture collages that i lost count. that frustrated me. and i thought it couldn't get any worse.

as my luck would have it, it does get worse. much, much worse actually. i walked into class to see my semi-new school mac replaced with a mac from like the 1990's. in technology terms, it might as well be a piece of decoration. thats not even the worst part. (not that using an old mac is a bad thing. i just prefer my old one. we bonded.)

my photo teacher walked up to me and told me he had bad news. apparently, my hard drive was shot. like, the worst he's ever seen shot. as in, no more hard drive. as in, EVERY SINGLE PICTURE i had on that computer was GONE FOREVER. because i'm not the smartest and placed all my trust in my precious mac, i didn't save my pictures anywhere else. bad decision on my behalf. i, jordan michelle gardanier, have absolutely no project to turn in next week and all the pictures i've taken since july are in heaven. after he walked away, i cried. i kid you not. only for like 10 seconds though. but nonetheless, real tears came out of my eyes and down my face.

but my photo teacher is better than yours. he has tried to fix the hard drive, along with a few other knowledgeable computer teachers. but still with no luck. he's taking it to the apple store in hopes they can recover some stuff on the hard drive. cross your fingers. i'll be crossing mine.

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